Practice data-driven augury with BIRD: Bird Informed Remote Divination by Gaston Welisch
Why do we approach AI chatbots as modern-day oracles? 54 pages of provocations on Magic & AI
3 days extravaganza for AI hotties, haters and weirdos,
Guidelines, tools, techniques, and image-making briefs to help you craft your own images of AI.
An introduction to Slow AI
Exploring sustainability, fairness, and community-driven paths to just futures in AI.
Blurring magic and tech, reclaiming the feminine, and reimagining AI through collective practices.
How would you label someone you love?
Exploring natural and cultural temporalities to create alternatives to Big Tech's always-on culture.
An ever-growing collection of interesting opportunities and open calls.
Remixing and reusing digital heritage collections to craft better images of AI.
Looking back at 2023, the <STORY&CODE> program and MACA screening bridged our URL to IRL.
Unpacking and re-imagining alternative narratives for AI outside outside Silicon Valley ideologies.
What could we make with AI if scale wasn't an objective?
What can we learn from il/legitimate predictive technologies of the past?
Icebreakers or ‘serious games’ somehow incorporating and showing AI.
A new event and podcast series by the Master in Design for Responsible AI.
Come and watch our selection of AI-augmented teasers as artifacts.
Tool for pixel collage-y project graphics for AIxD by Marina Cardoso.
Our thoughts on how to exist sustainably as independent org and more.
Trailers made by our residents are now available to stream online!
Collectively re-imagining UX of AI from feminist values.
A library of books on the topics of technology, AI, society, and design.
We’ve culminated and poured the experiences, feels, experiments, tensions, questions & resolutions.
Calling all image-makers interested in critical making!
How has our predominant "tech" language affirmed or shaped present-day realities?
Re-imagining together a better visual language for AI.
We share our findings, resources, and community reflections from our program: AI Playground / Sound.
On kinder ways of using generative AI.
BrandTune uses AI to create captions in a unified style to communicate your brand tone of voice.
Calling creative practitioners to apply as participants!
A collaborative research-by-making program and artist residency exploring AI in animation.
We share our findings, resources, and community reflections from our program: AI Playground / Body.
Exploration on how AIxD might use open-source library Mechanic to design a custom design tool.
(Re)imagining methods of everyday resistance using data in playful and power-conscious ways.
We share our findings, resources, and community reflections from our program: AI Playground / Text.
We share our findings, resources, and community reflections from our program: AI Playground / Image.
Yasmin set out to examine the qualities of various text-generation models by creating a tagline.
AI Playground applies the philosophy of Anji Play to AI.
We ran an experiment around the creation of a custom COCO dataset of annotated playground images.
People, practices, education, and opportunities at the intersection of AI & design.
We researched the role of service and UX design services. in creating anti-discriminatory AI.
Curated collection of bookmarks and links from across the web.
The AI Ideation Card Deck helps designers, managers and innovators leverage AI capabilities.
The AI meets Design toolkit is a set of tools to help designers & innovators at each step.